margin walker




close peculiarities



former wings feel imagination pop culture

crossed frisky alphabet canoes


started a bogus current uninhibited narcotic one perpetual smile

cowboys-and-indians blue  pills of abandoned head


there's nothing broken questions

there's  taste with clothes


shy living body dimebag found out why man

shows herself details a counterpart to head stores


answers drunken cigarettes ecstatic significance

architecture of outerspace gone awry split like a ragdolls


voyeur’s outerspace boutique of wigs clothes no soliciting

crammed mortal rooms into some ten emptieds


falling wings of butterflies

about to run a thunder machine


gothic architecture of failed whispers

clearcut down to close peculiarities



© Andrew Lundwall






AB - To blog or not to blog, this is the question.

AL - do whatever feels right...

AB - How would you characterize your blog you should describe it to one of us, i.e. another blogger?

AL - margin walker: a freewheeling space where i post spontaneously written poetry occasionally announcements and oddities...

AB - I sometimes regard my blog as a safe place where I can meet my chosen people, is this the same for you?

AL - i've electronically met others through blogging that i probably wouldn't have met's definitely a great outlet for networking...

AB - I am wondering do we sometimes forget that personal remarks, notes, poems are there for everybody to be seen?

AL - sometimes i forget that my poems are out there on the www and that a good number of people read them...when i write i write for myself mostly...when i receive a comment i recall that yes there are others reading this...that there are others watching...

AB - Do you post many poems on your blog? Is there an actual difference in-between publishing online, mainly through a blog, or printed publishing?

AL - i post many poems to my blog...most are spontaneously written...i think that there's a difference between the poems i post to my blog and the poems i choose to send out for publication...poems that i post to my blog i normally don't consider sending out anywhere...i go DIY...i become my own publisher...

AB - What kind of actual or immaterial feedback do you receive from publishing online through a blog?

AL - regards my own blog "margin walker" i've not received as much feedback as i'd like ideally...regards "as/is" i receive quite a bit...since it's conception "as/is" mutated into quite a hit...

AB - What do you think of the Blogosphere when related to blogs that deal with poetry?

AL - i think that it's quite the phenomenon and will continue to grow in importance as time progresses...






Adam Fieled Alan Sondheim - Allen Bramhall - Bob Grumman - Chris Murray - Dan WaberDeborah Humphreys - Geof Huth - Henry GouldJames Finnegan - Jean Vengua - Jeff Harrison Jill Jones - Mairéad Byrne - Mark YoungMike Peverett - Nick Piombino - Pam BrownTom Beckett - Tom Murphy - Tom Orange




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